The Company does not sell, share or trade customer personal data collected online to third parties. Personal data collected online is disclosed only within the Group of the Company for internal use. The personal data we collect will be used for some or all of the following purposes:
– Shipping the goods you purchased at the company
– Latest news for your shipment status and customer support
– Provide you with information about the product
– Process your order, or provide services and information based on your request or through our website
– In addition, we will use the information you provide to manage your account; verify and conduct transactions related to your online payment; review the information downloaded from our website; improve the layout and/or content and design of the website page. User’s page; Identify the website browser; Investigate the demographics of the website users; Send information about related products or services that we think are useful to you or that you requested if you indicate that you do not refuse to receive the message.
We may pass your name and address to a third party (such as a courier company or supplier) to ship the goods.
When you apply for an account on our website, we will use your personal information to send promotional and/or promotional materials to you from time to time. You can unsubscribe from our promotional information at any time by using the unsubscribe feature in your e-Promotional Materials.
The company reserves the right to modify and change the privacy statement at any time. If there are any changes, we will post them on the website.
– 運送你在本公司購買的貨品
– 為你提供貨品運送狀況和客戶支援的最新消息
– 為你提供有關產品的資料
– 處理你的訂單, 或根據你的要求或透過我們網站提供服務和資訊
– 此外, 我們會利用你提供的資料管理你的帳戶; 驗證及進行與你的網上付款有關的交易; 審查從我們網站下載的資料; 改善網站頁面的版面設計及/或內容及設計最適合用戶的頁面; 辨識網站瀏覽器; 就網站用戶的人口統計進行調查; 在你表明不拒絕接收訊息的情況下, 發送我們認為對你有用或你要求的相關產品或服務資訊。
我們可能會將你的姓名和地址交給第三者 (例如速遞公司或供應商), 以便運送貨品。
當你於本公司網站申請帳戶, 我們會使用你的個人資料, 不時向你傳送宣傳及/或推廣資料。你可隨時在電子宣傳資料內使用取消訂閱功能, 以取消訂閱我們的宣傳資訊。
本公司保留隨時修改和更改私隱聲明的權利。如有任何更改, 我們會於網站公布。